Dr Mohd Kushairi Mohd Rajuddin graduated with his BSc on Fisheries from UPM Malaysia in 1983 and obtained his MSc on Coastal Management in 1990 and PhD on Ecology in 1997, both from the University of Newcastle Upon Tyne UK. He works as a researcher on coastal habitats at the Department of Fisheries Malaysia in 1983 and involved in the research and establishment of 42 Marine Park Islands in Malaysia.
Later in 1997 he was appointed as the Head of Marine Resources at the Southeast Asia Fisheries Development Center in Malaysia working on the management of coral reef ecosystem and coastal marine resources. In 2000, he was a Professor teaching at the University Industry Selangor, Malaysia, a government-owned private university. He has been a consultant on environmental studies to oil companies and government institutions.
At present he serves as the Executive Director of the Regional Secretariat for CTI-CFF in Indonesia, an international organization comprises of three (3) Southeast Asian countries, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines, and three (3) Pacific-Oceania countries, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Timor-Leste.